President of the Management Board, Mr. Marijan Krpan and Director of the Geothermal Energy Sector, Ms. Martina Tuschl participated in the first Geothermal Investment Forum in Zagreb.
The drilling of the exploratory geothermal well GT-1 (VGGT-1) marks the beginning of the final phase in assessing Velika Gorica's geothermal potential. This effort is part of the project „Preparation and exploration of geothermal potential in the context of district heating“.
The Hydrocarbon Agency has successfully completed a project funded by the EEA Financial Mechanism with support from the fund of the Kingdom of Norway, the Principality of Liechtenstein, and Iceland
Strategic study on the environmental impact of the plan for the development of the geothermal potential of the Republic of Croatia until 2030 was prepared.
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