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NRRP CCS project

The Croatian Hydrocarbon Agency is working intensively on promoting and disseminating projects related to the possibility of practical application of carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology.

The Republic of Croatia has fully transposed Directive 2009/31/EC on the geological storage of carbon dioxide into the Act on the Exploration and Exploitation of Hydrocarbons (Official Gazette 52/18, 52/19, 30/21). It has recognized the need to develop projects for the permanent disposal of carbon dioxide in geological structures.

By supplementing the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience, the Government of the Republic of Croatia has allocated funds for 5.3 million euros to prepare studies that will enable the development of projects for the final storage of carbon dioxide in geological structures. The RePowerEU Supplement – Measure C7.1 R1-I1 finances the use of guidelines and new technologies for creation:

  • Atlas of geological structures suitable for final storage of carbon dioxide
  • Strategic environmental impact study Development plan for the final storage of carbon dioxide in geological structures
  • Studies on the situation in the area and on the amendment of the relevant laws and regulations on spatial planning aspects
  • Integrated study on the feasibility of final storage of carbon dioxide at the Bockovac site

The implementation of this project aims to identify sites with possible storage capacities by creating an atlas of geological structures and preparing environmental and spatial planning documents to enable the development of projects for the final storage of carbon dioxide. As a result of the work to date, a deep saline aquifer has been developed at the Bockovac site in Osijek-Baranja County.




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