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New technologies

Hydrogen, CO2 Storage, Offshore Wind

Becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050 is the goal of the European Green Deal, a package of measures that should enable European citizens and businesses to benefit from a sustainable green transition.

The use of renewable energy has many potential advantages, including reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, diversification of energy supply and reduced dependence on fossil fuel markets (especially oil and gas). The growth of renewable energy sources can also stimulate employment through the creation of jobs in new ‘green’ technologies.

The European Hydrogen Strategy recognizes hydrogen as an important element for the decarbonization of transport, industry and heat production to achieve zero emissions by 2050.

The Croatian Hydrogen Strategy until 2050 emphasizes the advantages of developing the potential related to the hydrogen economy and is aligned with the goals of the European Hydrogen Strategy, as well as with the National Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia until 2030.

Study of the Development Plan and Implementation of the Croatian Hydrogen Strategy by 2050 - defines the goals, measures and the dynamics of implementing the strategy and also serves as a basis for the fulfilment of obligations under the directive on the promotion of Energy from renewable energy sources (RED III EU directive).

Green hydrogen has a significant place in European structural and investment funds. Investments in hydrogen-related technologies are expected to contribute to the development of the circular economy and the energy transition towards a climate-neutral European Union.

For a hydrogen-based economy, cross-sectoral cooperation and dialogue between all stakeholders is necessary to ensure adequate regulatory conditions based on best practices.

The Croatian Hydrocarbon Agency has high-quality professional staff for support in achieving the goals of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan based on the Croatian Hydrogen Strategy.

The Agency is working intensively on promoting and activating projects related to the possibility of practical application of carbon capture and storage technology (CCS), for which purpose a Study on the Possibility of Applying Technology of CO2 Capture and Permanent Storage in the Republic of Croatia has been prepared, which should be the basis for the implementation of the pilot project.

Permanent storage of CO2 in geological structures is one of the key elements of the energy strategy, as it has proven to be a key link in reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.

Offshore wind energy is clean and renewable energy obtained by harnessing the power of the wind at the open sea, where it reaches a higher and more constant speed than on land due to the absence of barriers. In order to make maximum use of this resource, megastructures are being set up on the seabed and are equipped with the latest technical innovations.

Through the activities of the Competent Authority for the safety of offshore exploration and production of hydrocarbons, the Agency is familiar with the safety aspects of facilities at sea, therefore the next steps would be set up of the national legal framework that would create prerequisites for the use of offshore wind farms.



Consolidating resources within a legislative act increases the energy system efficiency by reducing administrative barriers.